Fitfite Sanay
Bahir Dar ICT, Bright Future & New Venture Creation 2011
"From the courses I especially learned how to attract customers, how I become better than the competitors, how to give good service to the customers, make them happy and how I can provide a quality product."
Enterprising Ethiopia with Alchemy World Addis Ababa & London
My name is Fitfite Sanay. I finished ITC, Bright Future and New Venture Creation training with Alchemy World in 2011.
From the courses I especially learned how to attract customers, how I become better than the competitors, how to give good service to the customers, make them happy and how I can provide a quality product.
Before the training I already started the business. I worked half time together with my mother, but after the training, the business has become a full time job. Now I am a wholesaler in the market in Bahir Dar. I sell tomatoes and chili – a very good business and a big progress.
When I was a retailer I was sitting in my shop all the day and I couldn’t run any other business. But now, after finishing distributing the products at 10 am in the morning, I have time. And the profit as a whole seller is better than that of a retailer. Now I am working on improving my computer skills. I am also working on improving my skills on how to give good service to the customer, and how I become stronger in the competition. And I am saving up. It is good.
There is an association, established to build a big market building. I am a member of this association. I have already saved up 30.000 birr in this association and I will be a part owner. It will be a 4 stories building for food.
I am happy but not satisfied with what I have now. I will always strive to become a better business woman and after the building is finished I will grow my business in different areas. Like I am doing now.
The training with Alchemy World is so good. It has taught me a lot about growing a business and it should proceed and be given to others. Many young people could benefit from this.