Tsegazeab  Tsewenesilassie,  25.

Mekele    Bright Future  2010   &  NVC  2013




" There are so many guys that need the inspirational training. They need to be motivated, taught and to be discussed with...And it is really important. So thank you Alchemy World for helping me changing my life. "

Enterprising Ethiopia  with Alchemy World                  Addis Ababa & London                    facebook.com/enterprisingethiopia                   twitter.com/EntEthiopia


My name is Tsegazeab Tsewenesilassie. I am 25 years old and finished the Bright Future programme with Alchemy World in 2010 and the New Venture Creation programme in 2013.


Now I am studying IT engineering at Mekele University, MIT campus. I will finish my 1st degree in IT engineering, BSc, in june 2014.


When I finish my education I will focus 100% on my business. I opened it three years ago, and I am enjoying it very much: I am developing web sites, doing web management, making graphic design and working with proposal development. I have been working on this business for three years and I am very successful, very happy and I love the work.


Ideally I am a businessman. I really understand the concepts of good business. To develop my business I need a relatively good finance. But if I get a little bit of start up money and two or more friends to work with me – since the kind of business needs skilled manpower and money – we can do a lot of good business together.


Furthermore my personal skills need an upgrade in networking and android development. I want to do software development, mobile delivery activities, android projects and networking. For the rest I already have the knowhow and background to improve my business.


So I am looking for a business partner like me, who has a knowhow about the same areas, so we can work together. He also has to have good communication skills, be accountable and tolerant. If we are both honest and tolerant and have a mutual understanding I am sure we will be successful in our business. These are the most important things to avoid crisis and to develop together.


I have learned a lot of things from Alchemy World; when I started my business I had no idea where the business was and how to reach the marked. But through my Alchemy World training I learned how to get into business. And I removed some of my fear, and doubts about the business world.

I became more self-confidence after I learned about the different business concepts and about having a good business attitude. This was through the Bright Future training. I also participated in the Bright Future competition. I was not in the range but it was interesting to participate. In the second competition however, I was number five; the title of my idea was: Remote Healthcare System.


I am definitely one the students who have gained a lot from the Alchemy World training, I have learned a lot of new and beautiful concepts, I have become inspired with good ideas and new knowledge about business and it gives me a good advantage.


For sure it will be very useful in my future business. And that business should be a business that is advantageous for my country as well as for myself. I need to be more satisfied than just to get a lot of money. For happiness is when I serve my country and help solve the problems of my community.


Today Ethiopia has a lot of shortcomings in technological areas. So I need to be good in solving and breaking such kind of obstacles, to contribute to develop our country into a technological society. First we need to change the attitude of the people and of the country. And once the people and the society start using the more advanced technology, the country will become developed.


I need to underline the last sentence. I feel sad thinking about my society. Technologically it is really ignorant and this ignorance should be changed. Consequently my business should be focused both on benefitting the society and on generating a good income for me.


All this attitude and thinking I got from my training with Alchemy World. Furthermore I learned, that this kind of training should be very continuous, very consistent. Even after the students open their businesses, the contact should be very consistent, through meetings and emails. We need continuous contact to stay motivated and focused. For we are changing the attitude of the youth and this is important work.


I come from a farmer family outside Adigrat in Northern Ethiopia. So the generation gap between my generation and my parents is enormous. They have no understanding whatsoever of the concepts I am working with. I can show them a movie on my laptop but they do not understand where the pictures come from. But I am really grateful that they allowed me to go to school and get my education. If I had not gotten my education I would be working as a farmer or as a simple merchant. Almost 50% or more of my childhood schoolmates are still working in the village, without skills to communicate even in Amharic (the official language of Ethiopia), let alone in English.


So I really needed the Alchemy World training. I like it and I need it. But not only me; there are so many guys that need the inspirational training. They need to be motivated, taught and to be discussed with.


I need to underline such kind of emotional things. Discussing inspires the minds of anybody. And it is really important. So thank you Alchemy World for helping me changing my life. 


Tsegazeab Tsewenesilassie Tel 0914216497 Email wedi.tsewene@gmail.com